Personality Development of Women – Necessity of the Times

Saturday, March 29th, 2008

The first Patana Sadass of 2008 was held on 29th March. The topic of the programme was “personality development of women- necessity of the times”. Smt. Vatsala Ramdas of Thanal Suicide Prevention Centre, Kozhikode, presented the paper on the topic. She exhorted women to march ahead with the goals of progress and social well-being. To […]

Six day Workshop – Vocational Training for Women

Saturday, February 16th, 2008

A training programme for women in paper bag making and screen printing was organized from February 16th to 20th, 2008 in collaboration with Canara Bank. 26 selected women attended the four day training. A two day training programme for women in making fancy ornaments was organized in association with Canara Bank on 21st and 22nd […]

Entrepreneurship Development Programme for Women

Saturday, December 1st, 2007

A two day training programme for entrepreneurship development among women was conducted under the joint auspices of Streechetana and Canara Bank on 30th November and 1st December 2007. The programme was held under the guidance and with the co-operation of the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmadabad. The workshop was inaugurated by Canara Bank Divisional […]

Women and Mental Health

Sunday, November 25th, 2007

The next Patana Sadass which was held on 25th November 2007 was on ‘Women and Mental health’. The paper on this topic was presented by Smt. Sunitha T.V., Lecturer in Malayalam, Zamorins Guruvayurappan College, Calicut. She spoke on various aspects like physical, mental and sexual assaults on women, social and economic disparity, poverty, lack of […]

Training Programme for Self Help Groups

Saturday, September 29th, 2007

Workshop for Self Help Groups: A one day workshop for SHGs was held on Sept 29, 2007 at Youth Hostel with an aim to empower women and to promote the concept of self help groups. Presided by Smt. Radha Iyer, and inaugurated by Mr. M. Balakrishnan, Lead Bank Manager, Canara Bank, the workshop gave useful […]

Works of V.T.Bhattathirippad – Their role in Creating Social Awareness

Saturday, September 22nd, 2007

A Patana Sadass on “the works of V.T. Bhattathirippad and their role in creating social awareness” was held on 22nd September 2007. The paper on the topic was presented by Smt. Preeta K; Lecturer in Malayalam, S.N.College, Chelannur She talked about the role of V.T.Bhattathirippad, who through his writings fought against social evils of the […]

Distribution of Sanitary Kits

Wednesday, August 15th, 2007

On Independence Day, Streechetana volunteers distributed sanitary kits to patients, at the Mother and Child Care Section of the Calicut Medical College hospital on 15 August 2007.

Women Magazines

Sunday, July 8th, 2007

Patana Sadass on “women‘s magazines” was conducted on the 8th of July 2007. Dr. K.S. Jayasree, General Secretary, Streechetana presented the paper on the topic and guided the discussions. She pointed out that while all such publications on women depict domestic and casual matters, they fail to bring out the fact that a family is […]

Distribution of Notebooks

Saturday, June 2nd, 2007

Notebooks were distributed to needy students at Kannanchery near Kozhikode jointly by Streechetana and ‘Wings” – a Charitable Trust on the 2nd of June 2007.