Self Esteem and Emotional, Social and Educational Adjustment

Wednesday, December 7th, 2011

A survey was conducted among students of 8th grade using a prepared questionnaire, to estimate the levels of self esteem and self confidence in respect of social, emotional and educational situations. This is to be followed up for analysis and remedial action.

Public Toilet in Sarovaram Bio-Park and the Beach

Public Toilet in Sarovaram Bio-Park and the Beach

Saturday, December 3rd, 2011

There was no public toilet facility in the Sarovaram Bio-Park and the Beach which is under the charge of Tourism Department. This was brought to notice of the Honorable Ombudsman by Streechetana, whose untiring efforts led to Honorable Ombudsman‘s order to construct toilets in these areas.  Two automatic toilets and Twelve Urinals for males and […]

Ice breaking

Thursday, November 10th, 2011

Streechetana conducted a programme at Achyutan Girls’ School aiming at the Holistic Development for Adolescents. The academic curriculum alone is insufficient to “educate and prepare” a child for life in society, according to Dr. Anoopa Rani of Child India. Shri. Gagan of Child India said that children must learn to live with conflicting situations and […]

Streevaadadarshanam – A Perspective on Feminism

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

The programme was held at Alkapuri in which chief speaker, Prof. M.D.Radhika, Head of the Department, English, Providence College, emphasized that feminism is not a philosophy of Hate. It seeks equality. K.T.Beena Kumari, Teacher, Model High school opined that gender discrimination exists even among the educated and is subtly evident in textbooks too. Feminism is […]

Case regarding the Public Toilets of the Corporation

Case regarding the Public Toilets of the Corporation

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011

In March 2011, an unfortunate incident of a hidden camera inside the ladies toilet of a popular hotel sparked off massive protests as it undermined the dignity and privacy of women. Streechetana’s involvement in the incident led the activists of these women’s Forum to take up the demand for safe and clean toilets for women […]

Women’s Health

Women’s Health

Saturday, January 29th, 2011

Seminar on Women’s Health. Alkapuri was the venue on Jan 31, 2011 for a seminar on Women’s health. The first part of the day was a discussion session where members interacted with Dr. Maneesha Kothekar, learning about strategies and programs conducted by Bharatiya Streeshakti. The afternoon session which was open to public had 3 speakers. […]

Children and Human Rights

Saturday, December 4th, 2010

An awareness programme on child abuse was conducted on 4th December 2010. Advocate Shiji Rahman, Chairperson, Child Welfare Centre, lamented that those who are supposed to be the protectors of children frequently abuse them. Moderator K.T.Beena emphasized that we need to work towards ending gender discrimination. Smt. Radha Iyer presided over the function. Dr.K.S. Jayasree, […]

Nila – Educate a Daughter

Friday, December 3rd, 2010

It is often found that first victims of any financial crisis are females. In Indian homes, sadly, it is the daughter whose education is cut short if funds are lacking. To help such girls who have aptitude but in need of money for higher education, Nila has been launched. This is a noble scheme whereby […]

Cyber Crime and society

Saturday, July 31st, 2010

An awareness programme was conducted by Streechetana on 31st July 2010 at Alakapuri. Sri. K. Biraj of Kozhikode Cyber cell spoke about the increasing number of different sorts of cyber crimes in the society today, the need to reduce it and the ways of preventing oneself from becoming a victim to it. Advocate Maya Malini […]