On Dec 6, 2012, at a grand well attended function at Alkapuri, streechetana’s website ‘streechetana.in ‘was launched by noted social activist Smt Sunita Krishnan. Mr. Ravinarayana Gunaje of Dhyeya Technologies, who aesthetically designed the website, was also present at the launch and he explained its various features. The Seminar on “streepeedanathinte Purusha Manashastram” began with […]
‘Information as a right alone can help ensure women’s entry into the mainstream’ .said Smt G.B.Taji. Asst Prof, Law College at the Patanasadas organized at Alkapuri by Streechetana. Information is necessary not only for individual welfare but also imperative for common good. It is only after 57 years of independence that the right has been […]
Seminar on Women’s code Bill – Women’s Perspective. On 10th Dec, Human Rights Day, Streechetana organized a seminar at Alkapuri. Chief speakers were Smt. Sareena Nawas (Capt Rtd.) Commission Member, Social Activist, Smt P. Geeta, Mr. Hamid Chenamagalur, Writer and Smt. Bindu Amatt, Moderator. The passing of a new Bill, (Children’s Code Bill with13 chapters […]
The programme was held at Alkapuri in which chief speaker, Prof. M.D.Radhika, Head of the Department, English, Providence College, emphasized that feminism is not a philosophy of Hate. It seeks equality. K.T.Beena Kumari, Teacher, Model High school opined that gender discrimination exists even among the educated and is subtly evident in textbooks too. Feminism is […]
Seminar on Women’s Health. Alkapuri was the venue on Jan 31, 2011 for a seminar on Women’s health. The first part of the day was a discussion session where members interacted with Dr. Maneesha Kothekar, learning about strategies and programs conducted by Bharatiya Streeshakti. The afternoon session which was open to public had 3 speakers. […]
An awareness programme on child abuse was conducted on 4th December 2010. Advocate Shiji Rahman, Chairperson, Child Welfare Centre, lamented that those who are supposed to be the protectors of children frequently abuse them. Moderator K.T.Beena emphasized that we need to work towards ending gender discrimination. Smt. Radha Iyer presided over the function. Dr.K.S. Jayasree, […]
An awareness programme was conducted by Streechetana on 31st July 2010 at Alakapuri. Sri. K. Biraj of Kozhikode Cyber cell spoke about the increasing number of different sorts of cyber crimes in the society today, the need to reduce it and the ways of preventing oneself from becoming a victim to it. Advocate Maya Malini […]
Self employment training in mushroom cultivation was conducted by Streechetana on January 17, 2010 between 2 p.m and 5 p.m at Moozhikal for 20 ladies. After the introduction by Dr. K. S. Jayasree, General Secretary, Mrs. Rajasree, Director, Malabar Mushroom, spoke about the various methods of cultivating and marketing mushrooms. Smt. Jayasree I.T. who is […]