Sanitation / Water-Logging Problems of Residents of Nadakkavu Cross Road, Corporation Colony

Sanitation / Water-Logging Problems of Residents of Nadakkavu Cross Road, Corporation Colony

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

This was a problem faced by the inmates of the Corporation Colony for the past 15 years. The residents of this colony are mainly sanitation workers employed by the Corporation. As the colony is centrally located, through time it has become the sewage centre of the surrounding buildings and the Sulabh Public Toilet. There was […]

Motivational Programme for Parents

Sunday, February 7th, 2010

On Feb 7, 2010 at Kannachery Govt L.P. School, a programme organized jointly by Streechetana and school authorities was held at the school premises for the benefit of parents. Smt C. Kanmani Palayat, coordinator, Association for Learning Disabilities India (ALDI) said that if learning deficiencies of children are recognized early and they are given remedial […]

Training Programme on Mushroom Cultivation

Sunday, January 17th, 2010

Self employment training in mushroom cultivation was conducted by Streechetana on January 17, 2010 between 2 p.m and 5 p.m at Moozhikal for 20 ladies. After the introduction by Dr. K. S. Jayasree, General Secretary, Mrs. Rajasree, Director, Malabar Mushroom, spoke about the various methods of cultivating and marketing mushrooms. Smt. Jayasree I.T. who is […]

Vocational Training Programme for Woman – Tailoring

Friday, April 3rd, 2009

Training was started by Streechetana for women at two centers – near Civil Station and at Chakkorthakulam in April 2009. About 30 ladies participated in the 2 month training programme conducted   by Smt. M. Bijali and Smt. P. Sheeja in several batches.



Saturday, March 7th, 2009

Seminar on Polygamy. A seminar was held in Alkapuri, Calicut on March 7, 2009, to discuss the effect of Polygamy on Muslim women. Eminent speakers included Dr M.N. Karassery, Dr. M.G.S. Narayanan and Smt V.P. Suhara. Dr. M.N Karassery opined that basically all religious texts were anti-women and seeks to spread male dominated values.  Polygamy […]

Freedom of Movement for Women

Saturday, August 2nd, 2008

The next Patana Sadass was held on 2nd August 2008 on the topic “Freedom of movement for women”. Smt. Vidhu Vincent, freelance journalist presented the paper. She held the view that lack of exposure restricted the development of women. The experiences gained through movement helps the women for the development of their personality and widen […]

Distribution of Notebooks at KANNANCHERY

Sunday, June 8th, 2008

Note Books were distributed to the needy students at Kannanchery near Kozhikode, on  8th June 2008.

Why Women should read?

Saturday, May 17th, 2008

Yet another Patana Sadass was held on 17th May 2008 on the topic “Why women should read? “. Smt. K.P Sudheera, the well-known writer in Malayalam presented the paper. She pointed out that only the physical beauty of women gets increasingly portrayed due to the over influence of the media. Women should possess a face […]


Saturday, May 3rd, 2008

Streechetana participated in an Exhibition cum sale programme on 3rd May 2008 at Calicut. This was a fund raising programme for helping the needy students.