Female Characters in Madhavikutty’s writings

Saturday, September 20th, 2014

On September 20th 2014, Smt.K. Preetha gave an insight into the Female Characters in Madhavikutty’s writings. Smt. A.R.Supriya presided, Smt.Mayamalini and Smt.Vijaykumari took part in the discussion. Smt.AlphonsaVarkey welcomed the gathering and Dr.K.S.Jayasree proposed a vote of thanks.

Leadership Training Programme

Sunday, August 17th, 2014

On August 16th and 17th 2014, a consolidated Training Programme on different Leadership perceptions. Smt. Nirmala Apte, BharatiyaStree Shakti Organizing Secretary spoke on ‘Role of Intervention and Social Issues’. All India President Smt. Nayana Sahasrabudhe spoke on ‘Organization and Social Work’ while Smt. Manjula Nair spoke on ‘Counselling and Social work’.


Monday, August 11th, 2014

On August 11 2014, Counselor Smt.Nisha Jose led the class to teach ‘Parenting Skills’ to 20 participants from across the district. Smt.A.R.Supriya, Dr. K.S.Jayasree, Dr. P.Supriya, Smt.BeenaPramod also spoke.

Communication skills

Sunday, July 27th, 2014

Spoken English classes were conducted in 2 batches for the periods June 9 to July 27th and September 20th to November 29. A two month programme where 34 women, aged over 18 years took part in the weekend classes conducted by Smt.RadhaIyer. It was appreciative that we could even include working class women in these […]


Saturday, March 15th, 2014

On 15th March 2014, Streechetana conducted a training programme”UNARVU 2014’at Elathur Community hall. An awareness class was given by Dr.P.K. Balakrishnan, Personality Development Trainer and Counsellor on “Stress – A psychological approach”.Sixty one women labourers from Vengali distillery unit participated. Dr.K.S.Jayasree rendered a speech on “Status of Woman in Kerala”. SmtBindhu M.K presided while Smt. […]

Women’s Magazine: A Women Perspective

Women’s Magazine: A Women Perspective

Saturday, March 8th, 2014

On the occasion of International Women’s day, Streechetana in association with Bhasha Samanuaya Vedi held a seminar on the subject: Women’s Magazine –A Women Perspective evaluation in Alakapuri Calicut on 8th March.Dr. P.K. Radhamani, the vice president of BhashaSamanuayavedi presided over the meeting and Dr. K.S. Jayasree inaugurated the function. Dr.Sajitha and K.R.Indulekha spoke on […]

Living a Better Life

Saturday, September 7th, 2013

A Discussion Session was held on 7th September 2013, on Self Development – Living a Better Life, Smt. Radha Iyer, President Streechetana present the paper on the topic. Smt.Preetha.K, Smt.Ramadevi.P.S, also spoke. The Session was presided over by Dr.K.S.Jayasree General Secretary of Streechetana. Shika.N.P offered a Vote of Thanks. 

Attapadi- What is happening?

Attapadi- What is happening?

Saturday, June 29th, 2013

In a seminar conducted by Streechetana on 29th June 2013, at Alkapuri, members of  Thaikulam Sanghom (the native tribal women’s group) opined that a serious vigilance probe needs to be conducted to investigate why even a fraction of fund of crores of rupees, allotted for their welfare, has not yet reached the beneficiaries. The siphoning and […]

Attappadi Visit

Friday, May 31st, 2013