Streechetana Kozhikode in association with the Employment Office, Kozhikode had conducted a Skill Up gradation Training Programme for the beneficiaries of ‘Saranya’ Scheme. The seven day Tailoring training started on 15th March and ended on 22nd March 2018. Twenty six widows/single parent got trained in the programme.Smt. A.R Supriya, President, Streechetana presided over the function. […]
Streechetana organized a Padanasadasu for the women of Kallai Residence Association on the topic Women, Health & Ayurveda on 14th October 2017. The topic was presented by Dr.Aryadevi.She provided valuable points to the group about balanced diet, lifestyle diseases, eating habits and so on. The sadasu was concluded with an active interactive session between the […]
The necessity of Rereading stories of K. Saraswathiyamma: Literary discussion on stories of Saraswathiyamma, a noted writer, were discussed. The speaker spoke of the stories as influencing its readers through independent thinking. Despite quanting the patriarchal set up that rendered the women silent she was never a misandrist. The discussion held thereafter pointed out the […]