Works of V.T.Bhattathirippad – Their role in Creating Social Awareness

Saturday, September 22nd, 2007

A Patana Sadass on “the works of V.T. Bhattathirippad and their role in creating social awareness” was held on 22nd September 2007. The paper on the topic was presented by Smt. Preeta K; Lecturer in Malayalam, S.N.College, Chelannur She talked about the role of V.T.Bhattathirippad, who through his writings fought against social evils of the […]

Women Magazines

Sunday, July 8th, 2007

Patana Sadass on “women‘s magazines” was conducted on the 8th of July 2007. Dr. K.S. Jayasree, General Secretary, Streechetana presented the paper on the topic and guided the discussions. She pointed out that while all such publications on women depict domestic and casual matters, they fail to bring out the fact that a family is […]

Panchayath Raj and Women

Saturday, March 24th, 2007

Smt. Meenakshi C.S, Asst. Engineer, Water Resources Dept. spoke at the 7th discussion session conducted on 24th March 2007 on the topic ‘Panchayati Raj and Women’.  She emphasized the need for empowerment and participation of women to ensure the just and equitable distribution of production, wealth and money as envisaged by the Panchayati Raj system. […]

Women and Challenges of Globalization

Women and Challenges of Globalization

Tuesday, March 6th, 2007

Symposium – Women and Challenges of Globalization Smt. Nirmala Apte, All India coordinator of Bharateeya Stree Shakti, delivered the keynote address in the symposium organized by Streechetana on May 6th 2007 on the impact of globalization.  She pointed out that it is the women in the lower strata of society who are most adversely affected […]

Family Courts – an Analysis

Saturday, December 16th, 2006

This was the topic presented on 16th December 2006 by the leading advocate, Smt. P.A. Sarala, practicing in the Family Court.  She pointed out that the main objective of family courts is to bring about amicable solutions to domestic problems.  She also opined that Family Courts have been able to resolve problems and enable speedy […]

Suicides in Kerala

Saturday, November 25th, 2006

This was the topic of discussion at the 5th discussion session conducted on 25th November 2006.  Dr. Anitha Raveendran, Professor of psychology, University of Calicut presented the paper.  She spoke on the changes in society and deficiencies in communication/free expression, which played a causal role in the increasing number of suicides.  Smt. Vatsala Ramdas presided.

Family, Employment and Role of Women

Monday, October 30th, 2006

The third discussion session was held on 30th September on ‘Family, Employment and Role of Women’.  Smt. G Jyotsna, Lecturer, Adarsh Sanskrit Vidyapeeth presented the paper on the topic.  The paper presented the various positive aspects of the elevated status enjoyed by the women who are employed.  It also discussed the various factors that confront […]

Women in Media

Tuesday, October 24th, 2006

The fourth discussion session was held on 24th October on ‘Women in Media’.  Ms. Gayatri Jayaraj, Sub Editor, Malayala Manorama, the leading Malayalam daily, presented the paper on the topic.  The paper presented the ways in which the women are portrayed in media.  Further, it also discussed the status regarding the participation of women personnel […]

Training Programme on Mushroom Cultivation

Saturday, August 5th, 2006

Economic Empowerment – Training programme on Mushroom Cultivation. Streechetana has made a humble beginning in the sphere of economic empowerment of women. We conducted a training programme on mushroom cultivation in association with Indian Spice Research Institute, Calicut, Krishi Vigyan Kendra and National Yuva Cooperative Society on 5th August, 2006.  25 women attended the day […]