On Dec 6, 2012, at a grand well attended function at Alkapuri, streechetana’s website ‘streechetana.in ‘was launched by noted social activist Smt Sunita Krishnan. Mr. Ravinarayana Gunaje of Dhyeya Technologies, who aesthetically designed the website, was also present at the launch and he explained its various features. The Seminar on “streepeedanathinte Purusha Manashastram” began with […]
Dr. C.N. Balakrishnan Nambiar and Smt. A.R. Supriya, ALD Learning Disabilities & Mental Health conducted the class on ‘Role of Parents in Students’ Learning. Sri. K. Pokker, Head Master, Dr. K.S. Jayasree, General Secretary, Streechetana, Ms. B. Deepa, Executive member, Streechetana also spoke. A report of an ‘Analysis on self-esteem and Emotional Social and Educational […]
As a continuation of the adolescence development programme held at Achyutan Girls’ school, Smt. A.R. Supriya of ALDI urged children to learn to love themselves and become strong to deal with adverse situations in life by cultivating essential life skills. Headmaster Mr. Pocker, Deepa. B, Rema Devi P.S. and Dr.K.S. Jayasree also spoke.
‘Information as a right alone can help ensure women’s entry into the mainstream’ .said Smt G.B.Taji. Asst Prof, Law College at the Patanasadas organized at Alkapuri by Streechetana. Information is necessary not only for individual welfare but also imperative for common good. It is only after 57 years of independence that the right has been […]