Economic Empowerment – Training programme on Mushroom Cultivation. Streechetana has made a humble beginning in the sphere of economic empowerment of women. We conducted a training programme on mushroom cultivation in association with Indian Spice Research Institute, Calicut, Krishi Vigyan Kendra and National Yuva Cooperative Society on 5th August, 2006. 25 women attended the day […]
The second discussion session was held on 7th July on ‘Status and Problems of Women in Coastal areas’. Ms. KV Aswathi, 9th semester LLB student of Calicut Government Law College presented the paper on the topic. Kerala, which has a coastal line of more than 500 KM has a population spread over 451 traditional Hamlets […]
Symposium- Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005. Other than the discussion sessions, Streechetana also organized a public programme during this period. We organized a symposium on the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005, on 19th August 2006. Adv. T Sheela presented the paper on the topic. She elaborated the salient points […]
‘The first Patana Sadass (discussion session) was held on 17th June on ‘Status of women in Kerala’. Dr. KS Jayasree, Coordinator, Streechetana, presented the paper on the topic. The paper focused on the major issues before the women society of Kerala, in spite of the relatively developed status. The paper dealt on the issues of […]