Author Archive



Thursday, December 4th, 2014

Communication skills

Saturday, November 29th, 2014

Spoken English classes were conducted in 2 batches for the periods June 9 to July 27th and September 20th to November 29. A two month programme where 34 women, aged over 18 years took part in the weekend classes conducted by Smt.RadhaIyer. It was appreciative that we could even include working class women in these […]

Case regarding Public Toilet of the Corporation

Wednesday, November 26th, 2014

Kozhikode Corporation had set up fifteen e-toilets in 2011 as a result of a case filed in 2010 by Dr. K.S. Jayasree, General Secretary of streechetana. Presently, it is found that most of these toilets has become non-functional and Streechetana brought the same to the attention of the corporation authorities and the company. Even after […]

Women, Identity and Politics November 8, 2014

Women, Identity and Politics November 8, 2014

Saturday, November 8th, 2014

Women, Identity and Politics

Saturday, November 8th, 2014

On November 8th another pathanasadas was held on ‘Women, Identity and Politics’. Researcher Srisurya Theruvoth elaborated on how to bring the backward and marginalized group of women into the mainstream. VanithaVikasana Corporation Director – SmtSujaBalussery, MahilaMorcha President – Smt.Jaya Sadanandan, Mahila Congress secretary – Smt. Usha Gopi and short story Writers – Smt.E P. Jyothiand […]

Female Characters in Madhavikutty’s writings

Saturday, September 20th, 2014

On September 20th 2014, Smt.K. Preetha gave an insight into the Female Characters in Madhavikutty’s writings. Smt. A.R.Supriya presided, Smt.Mayamalini and Smt.Vijaykumari took part in the discussion. Smt.AlphonsaVarkey welcomed the gathering and Dr.K.S.Jayasree proposed a vote of thanks.



Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014
Ecological tour to Kakkayam, Janakikkadu

Ecological tour to Kakkayam, Janakikkadu

Saturday, August 30th, 2014
Educated Kerala Women are Still Treated Much Below Their Male Counterparts

Educated Kerala Women are Still Treated Much Below Their Male Counterparts

Wednesday, August 20th, 2014